
1pm GMT Sunday 5th September 2004

St. Piran Singapore England Australia USA France New Zealand Austria Germany Finland Scotland Brazil Greece Canada Guernsey

1052 Sambistas of the world joined together to attempt a new world record for "Largest simultaneous percussion performance" celebrating the rhythm and passion of samba.

The current percussion record was set at the Hong Kong Coliseum, Hong Kong, China on 2 July 2002 when 10,102 people played a percussive rhythm for over 6 minutes.

This page updated 12th Feb. 2005.

"Aquarela Brasileira" was the music played, and is available below.

On a translated page do not use the page menu links below, they will reset the page to English.


Sambistas at the locations below took part in the worldwide event.
Number Location / Area Country Group name Contact Local time
410 St. Ives, Cornwall England Encontro Atlantico | Pictures 2pm
34 London England LSS and friends 2pm
90 Perth Australia SAMBANISTAS & WASAMBA and 9pm
16 Lille France Pagochti and Cachaça 3pm
37 Hamburg Germany ? | Informationen auf Deutsch 3pm
15 Orsingen, Lake of Konstanz Germany Samba - O 3pm
69 Munich Germany Various | Informationen auf Deutsch | Pictures 3pm
39 Oldenburg i.O. Germany Sambaschule Oldenburg-Eversten 3pm
172 Vaihingen / Enz (bei Stuttgart) Germany Taktlos und SlapStick Trommellehrlinge 3pm
43 Bremen Germany Bremer Karneval | Informationen auf Deutsch 3pm
84 Isle of Wight England UNIDOS DA ILHA 2pm
22 Hof Germany DownTownSamba 3pm
21 Bad Schwartau Germany Sambarata/Sambalegria 3pm

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What we played

The music is based on the samba enredo "Aquarela Brasileira" by "Silas de Oliveira".


This material is not to be broadcast or used in any way for commercial gain. It is to be used for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Those wishing to use it in any other way MUST abide by the Irmãos Vitale regulations.
Sambistas around the world are indebted to the following musical, technical and productions team in Rio:

Record Producer



Executive Producer

Jair Martins de Miranda

Arrangement creation

Robertinho Silva & Mestre Odilon Costa


Music Director

Robertinho Silva


Head of the Drum section

Odilon Costa (Grande Rio Samba School)

Music Producers

Guto Goffi and Claudio Diegues


Sound Engineer

Carlinhos Signorelli


Sound Assistants

André Oliveira, Carlos Augusto dos Santos and Adalberto

Rádio MEC


Lazaro Cezar F. de Medeiros
Julio Cezar da Silva
Jéferson de Souza Dantas
Gilmar de Souza
Cristiane Silva de Moraes
Gabriel Assunção Pessoa
Ivanete da Silva Machado
Leandro Manso Marinho
José Carlos de Souza
Luciano Vale Manfredo
Daniel Costa Vasconcellos
Wagner Dantas de Araújo
Mozart Donozar
Marlene de Souza
Jorge Luis Tavares Pires
Marcelo Paz
Eduardo Costa








Special Thanks

Maracatú Brasil
Rádio MEC (Estúdio Sinfônico Maestro Alceo Bocchino)



DOWLOADS: warning, the music is a 6Mb mp3 file
Download the music.
Song lyrics in Portuguese as a 4k pdf file download.
Cavaquinho chords available at the cifra web site.
English translation of song lyrics as a 4k pdf file download.
Phonetic translation of lyrics, showing breaks. Download 4k pdf file.


Why we did this

Because we love to play samba and

Sunday 5th September was the last day of our little samba festival 'Encontro Atlantico' in Cornwall UK.
We intended to form a mass bloco of all the local and visiting bands (around 500 sambistas) for the finale.

We approached Guinness World Records to try for the largest UK percussion performance, but they will only accept an attempt on the world record. In the UK we cannot break the existing record, but the record attempt can be made in multiple venues at the same time.

If enough sambistas / percussionists worldwide joined us, we could all set a new world record.

This could benefit everyone

  • Raise the profile of your band / community group.
  • Get some media attention.
  • Show the world just how big samba has become.

Many thanks to all who took part, you have planted a seed.

Mike Cowley


Thank you, Obrigado, Danke

Many people have helped with this project, but special thanks must go to the following.